Krishna Janmashtami is a Hindu festival that marks the birth of Lord Krishna. According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Krishna is the 8th avatar of Lord Vishnu, one of the Trimurti deities of Hinduism. The day is also known as Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Sri Krishnashtami and Srikrishna Jayanti in various parts of India. Krishna Janmashtami falls on the 8th day of Krishna Paksha, according to the Hindu calendar. Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated by Krishna worshippers with love and joy. The puja happens around midnight as Krishna is supposed to have been born at that time. The day is marked by fasting rituals and reading or listening to the Bhagavad Gita. Temples are adorned with flowers and garlands. The Dahi Handi festival adds fun and fervour to the event. In this festival, human pyramids are made to get hold of a dahi handi (clay pot of curd). May this auspicious occasion of Shri Krishna Janmashtami bring a lot of positivity, peace and harmony to your life. Happy Janmashtami to you.